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Kings Park Store belonging to Sheriff A.M. Darling destroyed by fire

October 2, 1893

Suffolk County Sheriff Albert M. (A.M). Darling was burned out early this morning. Mr. Daring’s brother , son and a German boy were sleeping over the store and at about 1AM they were startled to find the building in flames. They were unable to save anything and it was with great difficulty that the German boy was saved from death by burning, his room being near the oil room, where the fire started. But for the assistance of the Messrs. Darling he would not have escaped, being in such a dazed condition on finding the room in flames he seemed powerless to get out and was carried out by them.

The store, barn and all buildings were entirely destroyed, not a dollars worth of property saved. The total loss is estimated at $12,000-$8,000 in stock and fixtures and $4,000 on buildings. The property was covered by insurance for $8,000. Mr. Darling was not home at the time. The railroad property was with great difficulty saved. The depot was on fire several times but by great efforts was saved from burning.This fire leads to talk of starting a fire department.

Port Jefferson Echo October 7, 1893

Note: A.M. Darling was the 41st Sheriff of Suffolk County, serving in that post from 1891-1897, however, he stepped down in 1893 to become Suffolk County Treasurer. Mr. Darling was also Smithtown Town Supervisor for three years before becoming Sheriff.

Port Jefferson Echo October 14, 1893

From the October 27th Long Island Traveler October 27, 1893

There is now a strong suspicion that the fire at Sheriff Darlings Store was the work of an incendiary.

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